Monday, February 6, 2012

Tach mod and MIL installation

There's not much interesting about the tachometer mod.  I've taken the instrument cluster out of this vehicle so often, due to the speedo problems, that I could do it in my sleep.  So, this was a quick job, aided by the fact that I have all the soldering/desoldering tools and experience using them.
One thing that is worth a photo - for the MIL, I need to find a source of switched 12v to power the light.  I pored over the VW wiring diagrams, but I'm only mostly sure I've correctly identified the track that feeds power to the instrument cluster through the plug "T14", which is slipped onto the edge of the plastic circuit card on the instrument cluster.
As I was looking over the instrument cluster connection, I noticed (for the first time in how many years) that there's a legend next to each trace, on the hidden back side of the circuit card that folds over the "plug":
Didn't save my bacon, though.  It may not be clear in this photo, but the labels are in German, and abbreviated, to boot.  Pin 5 is "+UHR", which goes to the clock, so we know that's unswitched 12v.  The only other candidate is pin 8, labelled "+ALLGEN." or "+ALLGEI." - can't tell which.  I'm pretty sure that's switched 12v, but if anyone knows better, drop me a line.  Once I re-attach the battery, of course, I can find what I need with a voltmeter.


  1. Regarding the tach and MLI, this might help you.
    page 3. T14 pinouts in english.
    Looking good so far!

  2. Just noticed on the Bostig manual that the MIL lamps should be connected to a HOT at all times source (with fuse. I think all the connections on the T14 are SWITCHED.
