Friday, March 2, 2012

Latest news

The conversion had been running fine, with one exception:  the shifting out of reverse is very difficult.  Apparently, the extremely slight difference in the reinstalled transmission position, combined with the (now I know) extreme sensitivity of the adjustment of the linkage, is sufficient to cause a problem with the shifting.  There is a fairly simple adjustment procedure in the Bentley manual, but it requires dropping the spare tire, again, and getting access to the bottom of the shifter (front) to allow proper adjustment.  I think I'm going to try to fiddle with adjusting the clamp under the middle of the van, which is easy to reach, and see if I can find a sweet spot without so much work.
Second issue:  if you bought the proper Ford engine mounts (much $$$), you saw in the SK-M kit instructions that Bostig recommends you check the clearance of the ring at their base and ensure there's enough clearance between the ring and the steel cradle.  Well, when the engine is mounted, but hasn't sat with full weight, there's plenty of clearance.  Once the engine hoist is removed, though, the rings apparently WILL contact the cradle.  I  need to remember to tell Bostig that there's no reason to check this - just go ahead and grind off a bit of the ring, as they suggest.
Lastly, after running cleanly for several days, the engine has begun to stall when the van is brought to a stop.  This is almost certainly due to a lack of signal from the speed sensor that was added during the installation.  I've checked the plug (which can be done easily), but it's connected.  So, today I'll have to jack up one side of the van, pull off the wheel, and verify the proper position of the sensor, which is quite critical.  I hope that's all that I need to do to fix this.

Meanwhile, how about a brief off-subject excursion to the farm we live on, and how's your weather?

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