Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Engine is out

Finally - the engine is dropped and out:
All we'll re-use is the transmission, on the left.  The new Zetec is behind the old engine.  Quite a contrast - tall and thin, vs the flat boxer.  It's a shame I can't do what BMW did with their K-series in-line fours on their motorcycles.  They laid them flat on their sides, earning the nickname "flying brick" for the series.  However, a motor not designed to run on its side wouldn't like it at all.
Turned out that I mis-counted the bolts on the CV joints.  There were only six, and I could get to three at a time, so I was able to remove both without enlisting any aid.
The engine/transmission assembly is mostly resting on the engine hoist, but the transmission end is dragging on the floor.  I'll need to put together another wooden cradle to enable removal of the transmission.  Then, removal of the old clutch (to retrieve two (2) pins on the old flywheel!)  Then, the serious stuff of installing the conversion parts.  Here's a final shot of the now-empty engine compartment:

That's the garage floor down there. 
More to come.

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